COVID-19 Working Arrangements

During this period of uncertainty, Communion Architects will look to remain fully operational. We are committed to ensuring all our customers can access our usual high levels of service as normal. Our team remain fully available for you via all the usual channels – phone, email and online.

One of our key responsibilities is to protect the health and welfare of our employees, customers, and everyone else we work with whilst helping to slow the wider spread of the virus.

To look to maintain an uninterrupted service, we have taken proactive measures in line with Government advice, to ensure we can continue to operate in the coming weeks, while managing the developing situation.

We have the ability for all our team to work remotely from home should this be required exclusively. We are now operating on a variable staffing arrangement with some employees choosing to work exclusively from home, some choosing to work partially from home and some continuing to work from the office.

We have not ceased business travel for our employees but we are limiting this and looking to optimise other means of communication such as video conferencing, rather than encouraging face to face meetings. We will of course work with our customers and partners and respect their wishes on preferred means of contact.

Thank you again for your continued support. Our team remain here for you and we will continue to monitor the position and provide you with further communications as and when necessary.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you’d like to discuss further.