The Communion Process

The journey to transform an idea into a building has five independent but interlinked Stages.
Click on the numbers below to find out more about each of them.

Stage Four: Utilise

Living the Life

The start of this Stage is a wonderful time because it’s the point at which you move into your completed build.

However, it is not the end of the process.

Stage Four is when the final finishing touches are fixed or completed. We will work with you over a 12-month period to ensure that any issues that come to light over this time are resolved. Once all issues are resolved we will issue our Final Certificate. Only at this point is the final payment made to the contractor.

This final Stage ensures that all our projects are delivered to the highest quality and satisfaction.

Undertaking a building project is likely to be one of the most momentous and important journeys you will ever take. You start with dreams, ideas and plans, have the immense satisfaction of seeing them come into being and then enjoy living in and experiencing the spaces every day.

It is a creative and transformational experience and one to be celebrated.

The Utilise Journey

  • 1. Checking for Defects
  • 2. Issue Documentation
  • 3. Learning & Feedback
  • 4. Making Good of Defects
  • 5. Issue Final Certificate
  • 6. Living the Life

We provide a Stage Four folder containing a complete set of up-to-date drawings and construction documents which provide an invaluable record of how your building was constructed.

As part of this Stage, we also record a comprehensive project conversation, taking time to ensure that the completed project is reviewed.

This conversation can often be a powerful experience, reflecting on everything that has been accomplished and the transformation it has helped to bring about.

To celebrate the journey, part of every Stage Four project is the production of a ‘coffee table book’.

The narrative of the book draws on our project conversation. It documents the site before construction started. Next, it provides a curated selection of on-site photographs, finishing with high quality professional photographs that capture the beauty of the completed project.

These books have become precious keepsakes for many of our clients, allowing everyone to celebrate and treasure the experience, as well as enjoying their completed space day-in-day-out.

With your permission, edited versions of these stories also feature as part of our website and even in our podcast series. This enables the ideas, experiences and learnings gained throughout the journey of the project to be shared with the wider Communion community.

“It’s changed our lives in terms of how we can entertain people and how we can interact as a family.”

Key Deliverables of Stage Four

  • Providing a complete Stage Three file that gives a complete record of the project including ‘as built’ drawings and key certificates.
  • Checking the building regularly to ensure everything is working correctly and actioning any necessary work.
  • Getting detailed feedback from you to help us continually learn and improve.
  • Returning to site after 12 months to carry out an inspection and make sure that any defects are ‘made good’ before finalising the final account.
  • Issuing the Final Certificate that confirms that all works are complete, any defects have been made good and all monies have been paid.
  • Commissioning professional photographs to celebrate completion of the project.
  • Commissioning a project story for the Communion Architects website and a beautiful coffee table book for you to keep and enjoy.

Resources for a successful build

Explore our resources designed to help you work with an architect and design, plan and manage a successful build

Explore Our Resources

Enquire about working with us

Let us know a few details and we will be in touch as soon as we can with how we can help you with your project

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